템플릿 tagged Academic Journal
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Here we provide a selection of academic journal templates for articles and papers which automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal. A link
A paragraph
Template for submissions to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (AGU)Official
This is the Overleaf template for Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (AGU). It is a generic template that allows authors to write in either Rich Text or LaTeX formats, and has multiple options designed to work for a number of journals participating in Wiley’s pilot with Overleaf.
Please refer to the journal’s author guidelines in order to confirm your manuscript adheres to the journal’s requirements for submissions.
Once your manuscript is complete, simply use the "Submit to Journal" option in the Overleaf editor to submit your files directly to the journal for processing.
If you're new to LaTeX, check out our free online introduction to help you get started, or please get in touch if you have any questions.
Wiley and Overleaf
Template for submissions to International Journal of Quantum ChemistryOfficial
This is the Overleaf template for International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. It is a generic template that allows authors to write in either Rich Text or LaTeX formats, and has multiple options designed to work for a number of journals participating in Wiley’s pilot with Overleaf.
Please refer to the journal’s author guidelines in order to confirm your manuscript adheres to the journal’s requirements for submissions.
Once your manuscript is complete, simply use the "Submit to Journal" option in the Overleaf editor to submit your files directly to the journal for processing.
If you're new to LaTeX, check out our free online introduction to help you get started, or please get in touch if you have any questions.
Wiley and Overleaf